It is easy to become a citizen of the Republic of Frigolandia. With a 100 euros annual passport you can enjoy:
1) A free stay of seven days (not necessarily consequential) at the Republic of Frigolandia
2) An annual subscription to our aperiodic magazines FRIGIDAIRE and IL NUOVO MALE
3) Two original gifts that you can choose among the ones indicated on the page “abbonamenti”
Print and fill out the form, pay your annual subscription, and come see your/our Republic of Art.
You can get passport for the Republic of Frigolandia directly to us at Frigolandia in person or paying 100 euros to our company’s bank account, to FRIGOLANDIA Srl,
IBAN: IT32 T030 6938 3400 0000 0080 451
BIC (if paying from overseas): BCITITMM
In this case the passport application form with the copy of the confirmation of payment has to be sent to:
Repubblica di Frigolandia
Località La Colonia/Via Montecerreto snc,
06030 - Giano dell’Umbria (PG) - Italy,
or by e-mail to
Frigolandia does not have public or private sponsors or hidden supporters.
The Passport is a special subscription to support our two our aperiodic magazines FRIGIDAIRE and IL NUOVO MALE. The Passport is essential to cover Frigolandia Republic’s expenses, such as rents, bills, technical and repair services.
More and more passports will provide the rising of Frigolandia’s empowerment as well as the increase of citizens’ chances to realise their own projects and ideas.
The Passports are necessary to sustain a fantastic place, but real at the same time, in which art is the key to grow all together.
The results obtained till now are very encouraging. The Republic is flourishing thanks to the participation of all its fond, original, active and fanciful citizens.
All in all, the Passport is the way to make everybody’s dreams come true.